The Dangers of Golden Dawn – and National Public Radio


Where do we find the licensing body for the journalistic profession? Who are the determinants of journalistic malpractice?

There are none. Sanction for malpractice can be found only in the response of the audience. What price will National Public Radio pay for the following travesty, aired this morning and, of course, disseminated widely, such as here, on Minnesota Public Radio, where you can listen to the audio version? For it demonstrates gross malpractice by its author, Joanna Kakissis, and the editors and producers who let her reporting on the rise of Greece’s fascist and neo-Nazi party Gold Dawn, pass muster.

Kakissis does not simply report on the rise of Golden Dawn and its growing levels of hateful violence. She does not only describe its fascist character. Just as does The Business Insider to very different effect – as one random, less esteemed counter example – Kakissis and NPR offer an extended and explicit Nazi analogy.

The protesters compared the situation to Nazi Germany’s brutal occupation of Greece during World War II, when more than 400,000 Greeks died. But investigative journalist Dimitris Psarras hears other echoes of the past. “The economic crisis that Greece is facing today is similar to the one faced by Weimar Germany,” he says. “Just as Germany struggled to pay reparations imposed by the victors of World War I, Greece is now struggling to pay off giant debt racked up by its own corrupt political system.” Even Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has used the reference. In Weimar Germany, paramilitaries from the far right and far left fought in the streets. Germans struggled through head-spinning economic and political crises. Then, in 1933, after parliamentary elections that gave the Nazi Party the biggest share of the vote, Adolf Hitler came to power. Now Greece may have its own version of the Nazis, Psarras says, the Golden Dawn Party….

Party On the Rise Golden Dawn members say they are nationalists and strongly reject the Nazi label. But at rallies, party members chant, “Blood and Honor” — a slogan adapted from the Nazis — and they wear black T-shirts with a swastika-like ancient Greek symbol called a meandros. Last month, Golden Dawn supporters also attacked theatergoers before a performance of Corpus Christi, Terrence McNally’s controversial play about a gay Jesus. The leader of the mob, Ilias Panagiotaros, shouted homophobic and xenophobic obscenities at the terrified crowd. Panagiotaros is one of 18 Golden Dawn members elected to Parliament last June. The party won support by promising to kick out illegal immigrants and jail all corrupt politicians. They have also promised to erase household debt for low-wage earners and the unemployed. “Every day we are growing,” Panagiotaros says. “And very soon we’re going to be ruling this country, and laws are going to be enforced.” Indeed, Golden Dawn is rising in opinion surveys and could win as many as 36 seats in the 300-member Parliament, were elections held today.

Do you find any reference curiously missing from so direct a comparison between Weimar Germany and current-day Greece, to the detailing of homophobic and xenophobic attacks? Not to dismiss any of the legion of Nazism’s barbaric dehumanizations, but which is the atrocity for which it is most infamously known? You can search every word of Kakissis’s report and not find the word Jew mentioned once.

Is this because remarkably – what would be, really, historically – we have in Greece and Golden Dawn a neo-Nazi party that, for all the similarities, does not target Jews? Of course not. And it is not as if NPR is unaware of prevailing criticism of its coverage of such issues.

Here is JTA reporting just twelve days ago that “As Golden Dawn gains popularity, Greek Jews strategize on how to combat neo-Nazi party.”

Here is Jewish News One reporting on “Greek Jews tackling Golden Dawn’s anti-Semitism.”

Here is an anti-Semitic hate site supportive of Golden Dawn reacting to that very Jewish News One video above.

Here is Jewish News One, again, reporting just two weeks ago on a Golden Dawn member of the Greek parliament reading aloud before the parliament from the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

An elected politician and spokesperson for the racist Golden Dawn political party has read out an extended passage from the anti-Semitic text the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” in the Greek parliament.

Despite reading a text created as a hoax by anti-Semites to create a destructive image of Jews, the speech by Ilias Kasidiaris shockingly went unchallenged by other members of the parliament.

Here is Golden Dawn’s leader Nikos Michaloliakos, interviewed by Greek journalist Stavros Theodorakis this past May, engaging in Holocaust denial and defense of Adolf Hitler.

Our intellectual dangers are broadly two, what we think and how we think. Of course, the latter shapes the former. The culturally reactionary and science-denying American conservatism put to rout in last week’s presidential election offers a twofer of intellectual misconception, misguided both in what and how it thinks. Neo-Nazis, fascists, and xenophobic racists certainly standout for what they think. And NPR in such an instance? We give it benefit of the doubt on the what. But the how?

At the crossroads of more than one early twenty-first century crisis of thought and international relations is anti-Israel sentiment and the growth of dramatically renewed anti-Semitism barely concealed beneath that political cover. Among the many agents fueling the growth of this crisis is, at worst, the active anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic sentiment of multiple journalistic organs, most prominently left oriented and of which there is no greater example than England’s Guardian. At best – which is very bad, indeed – there is the gross negligence of such reporting as this from NPR, by which the general public is profoundly misinformed and, finally, misled.

By which a whole current culture of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish disinformation and distortion is provided the atmosphere in which to grow and sustain itself, and for which real people pay a price every day.

It is incompetent and irresponsible reporting for which NPR needs to account and that it needs to correct.


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2 thoughts on “The Dangers of Golden Dawn – and National Public Radio

  1. If you want actual news on Golden dawn, their offical international newsroom is.

    With regard to Golden Dawn, they are of course not “nazists”, both in the sense that their ideology is nothing like nazism and also in the sense that they actively rejected the label “nazi”/”fascist”, altough by now, 2012 it is probably painfully obvious to most quasi-informed people that labels such as “nazi”, “fascist”, “racist”, “xenophobe” are put on any white organisation that wants to look out for the ethnic interests of their own group. People of European descent that like Golden dawn for example feeding starving own starving people is simply not accepted in a multicultural society. That is “nazism.”

    For those that actually take the multicultural media serious, I can inform you that nothing or 99% of what the mainstream mulicultural media reports about Golden dawn or any other anti-multiculti organisation, and society in general is accurate. If anti-multiculti parties got into power, these rats would have no job anymore.

    For example multicultural media often reports that “Golden dawn attacks immigrants.” what they fail to mention is for example that yes, they attack immigrants but they attack racist immigrant thugs that rob old greek men and ladies as they try to go to the store to buy food for themselves, after Golden dawns help has been requsted by the Greek victims. So Golden dawn beating up racist african thugs that rob old Greeks, is translate in multicultural media too : “Neo-nazi Golden dawn ruthlessly attacks refugees.”

    Another example I see a lot, multicultural media reports “Fascist haters of the Golden dawn racist party attack arab vendors”, when the truth is that the vendors were illegal aliens, selling drugs and contrand, and Golden dawns aid was requested by the the local Greek vendors that feared for their lifes and their childrens lives, after the police did nothing.

    Or illegal aliens selling drugs at schools, and Greek mothers pleaded with the Police to do something, which they did not, and then they turned to Golden dawn, and Golden dawn threw the drug dealing illegal aliens out. The reaction to this in multicultural media is ofc “Jew killing blood drinking neo-nazi fascist homophobes strike at the innocent and browned skinned.”

    I mean, these multiculturalists are nothing but lying racist scum. It is the multiculturalist that are genocidal that import millions of third worlds into Greek and Europe, with the sole aim of destroying the native communities, it is the multiculturalist that makes racial laws such as affirmative action with discriminate based on race, but it is ok, as long as the ones being described against are white, then it is called “positive discrimination.” It is positive because those hurt by it are white. That is the multicultural defintion of positive, and indeed the aim with their entire ideology. It is the multiculturalist that are neo-nazist by the terms exact defintion, multiculturalist strive for racism and genocide, they banned peoples views, even the poll here suggest that Golden dawn is “nazi” and that “nazist”(meaning white people who do not want to become a minority in their own country) should be imprisoned. Multiculturalist support EU, Which is a political units which leaders are not elected by the people, thus un-democratic and dictatorial, it also imprisons people for their views, and tries to control every aspect of society, thus making it totalitarian. A totalitatrian multicultural dictatorship.

    To sum this section up. If you are white, and you listen and believe in multicultural media, you are like a jew during 1930′s Germany listening and beliving in nazi media.

    There is a Marxist policy of population replacement all across Europe, many cities now resemble the third world, where the indigenous population are being pushed out and replaced by foreigners, mostly third world people, this policy is celebrated by politicians and any dissenters are arrested and charged with so called hate crimes.

    The reality of the failure of these artificially created societies is kept from the people through a complicit media and state and media intimidation of truth tellers, although the internet has woken up many people. It’s the indigenous population that face persecution, inequality, oppression, and left wing hate and tyranny. Many immigrants know their elevated status and take full advantage of it, rubbing it in the noses of the indigenous population, which causes greater anger and resentment and a deeper fracturing of society.

    These Marxist do not hide their genocide agenda, one very senior front bench politician of the last far left Labour administration in the UK stated that ‘the British as a race aren’t worth saving’. Others stating that they have no problem with there being no indigenous people in Europe in the future, and that is one purpose of mass immigration, there are many others.

    Golden Dawn know all this full well and are fighting to secure their nation for their people, demonising them with the old tired and desperate Nazi and fascist label doesn’t wash anymore, they’re fighting for the continued existence of their people, identity, heritage, and culture, and doing so the only way they can because they know their political parties do not serve them, to hate them for doing this makes you the racist and a supporter of genocide.

    Also regarding this ridiculous anti-gay spat, Golden dawn is not anti-gay for reacting when anti-christian leftists attack christianity.
    Would multiculturalists stand up and support the degrading of Judaism in the same manner they support the degradation of Christianity? If the theaterplay showed Muhammed as being gay, to provoke muslims, would leftists support it? I can assure you the anti-white anti-christian multiculti cadrè would not. In fact if there was a play about degrading Islam or Judaism, “anti-fascist”(The actual fascists) would probably be attacking the theatre goers with knives and sticks.

    Despite the leftist/liberals insistance, people of European descent does not want to become a minority in their own countries. If this is not obvious then :

    Ethnic Britons to become minority by 2066.

    Ethnic british already minority in London.

    73% of ethnic british would be unhappy if UK turned into a white minority state.

    The majority of British veterans says they would not have fought in World war 2 if they knew what the multiculturalist would do once they toke over.

    Labour party admits the aim with mass-immigraiton was the destruction of the British ethnic community.

    US set for dramatic change as white America becomes minority by 2042

    White-american most common victim of hate-crime.

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