. The public square teeters on the edge of comedy and farce. No, really, it is over the edge, and who can say when the fall occurred – maybe 450 BCE? Every culture, though, reinvigorating the social struggle anew, relives the fall for itself, and the U.S. has had its own. In classical comedy – […]
The GOP’s Media-Manufactured Messiahs
They might have learned something from the original breakfast flake of modern times Ross Perot. But the news media do not learn. They speculate, they trumpet, they pander, they shill – “It’s news! How can we not cover news?!” And who made it news? You’d think certainly they would have learned from Rudy and […]
Michele Bachmann and Christian Taqiyya
Much has been made in recent years of the Islamic doctrine of Taqiyya, which permits and even promotes, according to some, religious concealment and dissimulation in certain contexts and in confronting non-Muslims. What is it that Michele Bachmann did on Meet the Press this Sunday but engage in her own form of Taqiyya on behalf of her […]