Here is the cache of James Kirchick’s post that led to my email exchange with Andrew Sullivan and that was removed from the Contentions site. I’m not posting it here directly because it is, in fact, filled with scatter-shot invective, including, in line with my speculation about the cause of the post’s removal, one gratuitous […]
“The Flip Side of Mondoweiss”
Over at Talking Points Memo‘s TPMCafe, we have the latest preposterous and slanted post from Mondweiss‘s Adam Horowitz. In the comments section, one writer referred to me as “the flip side of Mondoweiss.” Here is my reply. AJA
The Malice of Mondoweiss
Beware the righteous, for they are righteous when they are right, and they are righteous when they are wrong; they navigate by a missionary compass, and when it loses its North, they steer with conviction toward the South, unknowing. The Book of Adler 5:15 On June 4, Max Blumenthal and Joseph Dana released on the […]