The movement to increase the minimum wage, and to tie it legislatively to the cost of living, is growing. The obscenity of low-wage employment among adults – full-time employment that does not offer a living wage – is increasingly apparent. As Arindrajit Dube pointed out in The New York Times: the evidence suggests that around half of […]
The MSNBC Bent vs the FOX News Bias
. You hear it a lot. MSNBC is the liberal Fox News. No. It’s not. This is just one more variation of false equivalency, the inability to make acute judgments amid the buffeting winds of so many competing claims, the warp of reason by the gravitational pull of all those massive subjectivities. MSNBC has a bent. […]
FOX News: Because we really are assholes and so full of shit it comes out of our mouths
Why don’t they just call for the Restoration already and be done with it? It really is so liberating to come out of the closet. SNAP. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Crisis in Dairyland – For Richer and Poorer – Teachers and Wall Street Daily Show Full […]
Tortured Argument
The next several years of the torture debate will be variously instructive, not least in what we already see in the low form and manner of important public political argument among figures who should have been schooled to a higher level. The debate will last at least a few years, and it will distress in […]