Sorry I’ve Been Away

Sorry to have been so mostly silent the past week or so, but I’ve been traveling more than usual and then had a little off-road biking accident that rattled my head a bit. The doctors say I’m fine, and bound to be no more bothersome than usual, but I will now offer the suddenly especially meaningful reminder to you all to WEAR A HELMET on any two-wheeled vehicle. I would not be writing to you now had I not worn mine. Soon to be posted: part 2 of “Looking at How We Look at Things” (somewhat cockeyed at the moment).

2 thoughts on “Sorry I’ve Been Away

  1. glad to hear you’re okay. At least you were wearing your helmet, and at least you were out there doing it! Just take it a bit easy for a while. Takes time to recover your balance (both physical and otherwise) after a scare like that

    1. I was doing it all right. Next instant I was not. Up, then down. No in between. Head pain almost gone now, now mostly the ribs, but feeling better every day. Thanks for the good words.

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